Beekeeping Clubs
Joining a beekeeping club or association is a great way to learn more about bees and beekeeping, and there’s always so much to learn.
To find a list of beekeeping clubs, associations and groups in your state, please go to the clickable map and select your state. If you know of a bee group who’s details are not listed or have changed, please go to the Beekeeping Club Form page and send the updated information for inclusion here. To find an individual beekeeper see the Beekeeper Swarm List.
It is extremely useful to join a local beekeeping group, if there is one. It is invaluable to meet other experienced beekeepers to exchange ideas and opinions. There is often the opportunity to borrow equipment, share swarm removal duties and perhaps buy supplies in larger, more economical quantities.
Some of these people are experts, they know how to deal with the situation in a safe way for you, and the bees. They all have opinions, it’s often said that if you ask 6 beekeepers a question, you’ll get at least eight answers.
Of course perhaps you’re still thinking about becoming a beekeeper, click here to find out more about beekeeping.
Swarming bees are probably at their most benign. Before they left their previous location they ate as much honey as they could to keep them going until they set up their new home. They’re usually feeling pretty good at that point, however this is not always the case. I was told that ‘Swarming bees never sting.’ – It isn’t true.
If you believe that the swarm should be removed, DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF! This is a job for someone knowledgeable and experienced who can safely take them away and provide a suitable removable-frame hive in a rural location. In many states it is illegal to keep bees in anything other than a removable-frame hive, which allow a state inspector to inspect the colony for disease.
Please tell the contact person when you call, that you found them on the Bees-on-the-Net Beekeeping Clubs List.
If you are considering calling an exterminator please remember that bees are in crisis at the moment. In many cases a pest company will be more expensive than a beekeeper.
If you are able to remove swarms, and would like your details to be added to our Beekeepers’ Swarm Removal List click here to to send us your information.
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