Hummingbird Bees
by Nancy (Rehoboth, MA USA)
Frequenting my butterfly bushes and bee balm is an inordinately large bee – you can see its wings fluttering just like a hummingbird.A neighbor told me it is a “hummingbird bee”. This must be a common name, since I have been unable to find this name in searches I have done. There is an Asian bee that looks the size, but according to what I read, it is not in North America. I am in southeastern Mass. USA
Thanks! I love it when I see this handsome bee, but have no idea about its origins! ~ Nancy
I’ve heard of a Bee Hummingbird but never a Hummingbird Bee. I’m afraid I don’t know for certain what this is, if you have a photo of it I’d love to see it.
I was able to find a few references to, and the photo above by kind permission of FrAnthony, something which might fit your description.
It’s not really a bee, but a moth, and is certainly an interesting looking insect. If anyone else knows anything about this I’d love to hear from them. Contact Us.
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60 Responses to “Hummingbird Bees”
Huntingdon Tennessee has at least one of these. It comes to my pink petunias.
We have these in Ohio too! Very interesting!
My husband and I have seen these moths for several years in Arkansas….and I was so amazed to find out that they were not actually bees! Also happy because I am allergic to bees and wasps..Now I will leave them in peace and just enjoy them!
Thanks so much. The YouTube video gave me chills – that is exactly the creature that I see.
On looking up varieties, I see many vibrant-colored ones, but the one I see is the color of the one videoed on YouTube. What a perfect song accompaniment.
Is this FrAnthony’s video? I didn’t see any credits. Whomever did it – Thank you so very much – you made my day, especially since it is rainy windy (again) here in New England. “April (March?) showers bring May flowers”. The Forsythia sooner – Halleluiah!
PS. I am a poet, and the Hummingbird Clearwing (nee Bee) is a part of a summer poem I am writing called “Jubilee”. Now it is clarified. A fantastic website here. Spring Blessings.
Thanks Nancy
The video was by SkiDiveGuy. I hope you’ll send us the poem when it’s finished, to include here.
The Bee Guy
I have seen these many times where I live. We always called them Fairy Bees. They are realy called clear winged moths.
I use to catch when I was a kid so I’ve studied them very closely. I have always loved them.
Thanks Glen,
I’m not sure fairies are that scary looking.
The Bee Guy
I was at my mom’s yesterday in Ontonagon, MI and she had two of these little critters in her purple floxs. What an interesting little thing.
Just saw one (in amazement) at a party in Wisconsin August 20th… I thought someone had drugged my beer.
I also have many of these little bees and a neighbor told me they were called Humming Bird Bees. They go to the flowers I have plant for butterflies.
I’m in South Florida.
In Texas too
These bees or whatever are very busy on my sage right now. I’m in north Texas. They move so fast and continuously that they are very difficult to photograph.
I also live in southern WI. and I saw one a few years ago and thought I was crazy. Until today when my daughter and husband both saw it with me.
Hey I’m not crazy after all. So is it a bee or a moth?
It is a moth! But you could still be crazy! – Just Kidding!
Hey people say these little gems are only in the U.S of A; no they are not! We have them in Burks Falls Ontario. That’s right the true north Ontario!
Colorful as a Male Hummingbird.
Yes, I have seen the hummingbird bee and it is as colorful as a male hummingbird.
It doesn’t come every year but it is the smartest bee I have ever seen. I would love to hear from other people who have the vistors.
Thanks, Bonnie
I live in Laurel, Mississippi and I have seen them here. I think that they are so cute. I love to watch them. Haven’t seen one in awhile though.
I live in PA, and have a huge butterfly bush. I just saw one of these awesome creatures today, on the bush!! I took pictures of and googgled it and found your site!
Hi Judy
You’re very lucky, I’d love to see one. How did the pictures turn out?
The Bee Guy
I shared your site on Facebook and uploaded a picture, but I’m not sure how to send one here.
Hi Judy
You can email photos to
The Bee Guy
Sighted in NY
I live in Binghamton, NY which is about 20 minutes from the PA border. My mom and dad started seeing two hummingbird bees about a week or so ago. They said it looked like a cross between a humming bird and a cray fish. I thought they had had a little too much sun since their gardens are frequented often by humming birds.
I finally saw what they had were talking about yesterday! The front end looks just like a male humming bird, vibrantly colored. The back end without being able to get a closer look is reminiscent of the articulated body of a cray fish or bee. We’re wrong on both counts since it turns out to be a moth. A very interesting little critter! I’m going to research it a little more now that I know it is a moth. :>)
Hi Lynn
I’m pleased to hear your parent’s garden isn’t also frequented by crayfish.
The Bee Guy
My friend and I saw this bee/moth where we live in central Vermont. Does anyone know if they make cacoons, or anything else about them?
Hi Flynn
If they’re moths I suppose they must pupate.
The Bee Guy
We live in the Kingston Ontario area (Southeastern Ontario Canada) and my husband saw at least 4 of these amazing critters today in our flower garden feeding at the purple hosta flowers.
Hi Liz
Why does everyone except me see these moths?
The Bee Guy
Saw a Hummingbird Bee in Annapolis, MD
We were at a nursery, admiring the petunias. There was a bee, buzzing and drinking from the flowers. When I looked more closely – he looked like a cross between a hummingbird and a bee. He was very brave – we were very close to him, observing and it didn’t seem to bother him at all. It was really astonishing.
Just spotted in Maine! Southern Maine Coast. I saw this hummingbird/bee at my flowers in the window box. Long “tongue” for sticking into flowers, large wings and long body. colors of the body where black and yellow, like a bee and fuzzy! I simply typed in “hummingbird bee” in google search and this is the first site I found! Interesting creature!
My husband and I just saw them. I have flower boxes all around our deck to attract hummingbirds and tonight was the second time we’ve seen them! I thought it was some kind of a baby hummingbird. I’m glad I found this website!
I have seen the humming bird bee in my garden in North Western New Jersey. I never knew what it was until recently when a friend told me. I just saw one today. They are so beautiful! Would like to know more about them.
We live in Bradford PA near the NY/PA border. We have many flowers on our property including two butterfly bushes. This year we saw these funny little creatures for the first time.
Have a Hummingbird Bee in Bayville NJ
I just took pictures of this strange bird/bee on my butterfly bush. I wasn’t sure what it was and posted its’ picture on facebook. Someone responded that it was a Hummingbird Bee. Came on your site and can verify that that is what I have. I have some great photos if you’re interested.
Hi Louise
I’d love to see them, perhaps you could email them to
The Bee Guy
We have them in Long Island NY also.
I grew up in near Akron Ohio… and at the age of 10 my mother would make me weed her gardens. She had a big beautiful purple butterfly bush. while walking by one day I noticed what I thought was a hummingbird.. I looked closer… and noticed it looked like a big bee but it was also birdlike.
I was very curious and would often go search for this bug… one day I came up right behind it and actually caught one in a jar! I layed the jar down on the porch.. and after analyizing it… decided to open the lid… as I did it flew away and I’ve never seen one since!
I am now thrilled to have found your picture and know I wasnt crazy… because there are bee hummingbirds!
I live in Pasadena MD I’ve seen humming bird bees when I was a kid in th 80′s but haven’t seen one in years. Then the other day there were two of them around our butterfly bush. I don’t know if it was the mild winter we had last year or what, but I hope they come back.
[Wow I was excited for a minute when I saw Pasadena I thought you’d seen one in California.
The Bee Guy]
Was so glad to read all the comments on this strange looking insect. I live in Alabama and have had these curious little creatures in my flower garden for several years now.
At first I thought I was finally seeing a baby hummingbird but on closer inspection I realized that was not it at all. Love to watch them and they love my butterfly bushes, so no matter what it actually is, just watch and enjoy.
I live in the village of Blaby, Leicestershire U.K.
I too have “Bees” visiting my garden which behave like the Hummingbird Hawk moth, I have seen a hummingbird hawk moth which is a fair bit larger than the “hovering” Bee which is about 12 to 15 mm long. The Bee also has shorter mouth parts (beek) which is only about half its body length, with transparent wings. It`s flight is very precise and controlled – unlike a common bee !!, I will try to get photo/video of one to post on this page. Maybe we can then solve this mystery.
I think that some of the sightings of “Hummingbird” bees are actually a large fly of the family BOMBYLIIDAE, which is also common in Europe and can be identified on wikipedia. Also there is a moth called the “Hummingbird” Hawk Moth, which has a longer proboscis and a “fantail” rear end. resembling a hummingbird,
I hope that this clears-up some of the mysteries of what you have seen in your gardens. Birds, Flies And Moths adopting the same technique of feeding during flight. AMAZING !!
I don’t know if it’s bird, bee or moth but one showed up this morning in the hanging plant I have to attract hummingbirds. Looks as the pictures/video, but is camera shy so far here. I am on the southern shore of Lake Ontario, just north of Rochester, New York.
We are in New Hampshire. My girls saw one on our walk today. I was pleased to be able to tell them it was a “Hummingbird Bee” glad that we saw it.
I’ve been getting something like this visiting my phlox for the past couple of summers. I don’t have a picture, though. It never seems to mind when my kids or I hang out nearby when it’s visiting.
I saw one today in Standish, Maine.
I live in southern Illinois and have seen several of the hummingbird bees all over my petunias and butterfly bush. I took a chance and typed in hummingbird bee in google and landed here to find the picture and description that it is really a moth. Thanks to all who have posted information and pictures.
I live in South Central PA, and a couple years ago, when I still had my 2 big mimosa trees, I had these creatures. At first I thought they were some sort of baby hummingbird, but we caught one and realized it wasn’t. We had no idea what they were. Glad I saw this sight…now I know what they were! Thanks!
Whatever these insects actually are… they are in New York… We use to see hummingbirds, not many anymore. For the last few years they have been all over my butterfly bush as soon as it begins to bloom.
Kentucky sighting:
I see theses amazing looking hummingbird bees from time to time in my back yard around my butterfly bush. At first I thought it was a very small humming bird, but the closer I looked, you can see the difference.
We live in St. Louis, MO saw this on the lilac bush super cool looking.
I saw one of these flittering around my white Phlox, I live in western Michigan. How rare are these?
I enjoy flower gardening and each year I have one of these amazing creatures visit my flowers daily during summer warm months.
Sighting for the second time this summer in Evansville, IN! I got a picture this time too.
It loves the tall phlox, so I’ll be planting plenty more next year.
[Hi Jessi
If you send the photo to me I’d love to post it.
The Bee Guy]
I recently saw this in my garden in Fortune, Prince Edward Island, Canada and the next night there was a picture of one on the news . Fascinatingblow
I live in Martinsburg, WV and I have a whole family of hummingbird bees living in my butterfly bush. They are really awesome creatures and neat to watch.
I live in Wisconsin and have been seeing these and didn’t know what they were. At first thought they were baby hummingbirds but they had the antenas. They are really cool flying around all my flowers.
Seen them here in Lake Village IN. they love my Russian sage plants. They were covered with them, will they sting? I know it says it is a moth, I was wondering, I kept my grand baby away from the bush cause I thought it was some kind of bee.
Pretty cool insect never seen one before nor heard of them until my brother said his neighbor has them in her yard. He is in Cedar Lake IN. My brother said not to kill them and I had no intentions to do that I just left them alone and let them eat I think they are interesting, why harm them?
I have seen one here in Rosiclare, IL on my butterfly bush recently. I had never seen one before. What I would like to know is, is it a bee or moth and will it hurt/sting you?
[No, I’m pretty sure they can’t sting.
The Bee Guy]
We just saw two of these outside a restaurant in Louisville, KY lived here my entire life never seen one before they have a hummingbird like “beak” and antenae what are these things?
It is actually a moth. I don’t know if anyone already posted but they are not bees, there are a type of moth. I’m sure someone posted this previously. But I want to put it down at the bottom for quicker reference. Here’s a link to check out a little more info.
We have them here in Central PA:
Some information of the hummingbird(bee) moth:
Snowberry Clearwing Hemaris diffinis: Bumblebee mimic
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