Kansas Bee Clubs – Bees-On-The-Net

Kansas Bee Clubs

For beekeeping groups in Kansas see the list below. For an individual beekeeper or bee removal company, go to the Bee Removal Page and select your state from the U.S. map, or see the Kansas Swarm Page.

If you know of any Kansas beekeeping organizations not listed on these pages, or if the group listing details should be changed, please go to the Beekeeping Club Form page and send the updated information for inclusion here.

Joli Winer
1150 W 151st St.
Suite D
Olathe, KS 66061-5881
Phone 913-768-8967
Email joli@sbcglobal.net

Robert J Burns
7601 W. 54th Terrace
Overland Park, KS 66202-1129
Phone 913-831-6093
Email rburns@kc.rr.com
www http://home.kc.rr.com/busybeehoney/nekba

New beekeepers are often advised to join a local beekeeping groups. I think this is the single most useful thing they can do. It provides an invaluable source of information, instruction, advice and assistance.

Often beekeeping clubs have equipment such as an extractor which can be borrowed or rented when necessary.

If there are no Kansas beekeeping associations in your area I strongly advise you to consider starting one. It’s surprising how many people are interested once the word gets around.


To find beekeepers in Kansas Click here.

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Bees-On-The-Net 2014

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