Beehive Removal | Bee Swarm Removal | Bee Removal

Beehive Removal

Bee Swarm Removal | Bee Removal

If you believe that the swarm should be removed, DO NOT TRY THIS YOURSELF! This is a job for someone knowledgeable and experienced who can safely take them away and provide a suitable removable-frame hive in a rural location. In many states it is illegal to keep bees in anything other than a removable-frame hive, which allow a state inspector to inspect the colony for disease.

Please tell the beekeeper when you call, that you found them on the Swarm List.

Apart from the fact that the swarm requires transportation, a hive, frames, foundation and feed, it’s never guaranteed that the bees will be healthy and non-Africanized. Sometimes the swarm decides it does not like their new hive and simply moves on again, leaving nothing but bills. The expense for gas, time and bee equipment such as hives, frames and wax foundation, is considerable.

If you are considering calling an exterminator please remember that bees are in crisis at the moment. In many cases a pest company will be more expensive than a beekeeper.

If you are able to conduct beehive removal and swarm collection, click here to be added to the Beekeepers’ Swarm Removal List .

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See also  South Carolina Beekeepers and Honeybee Removal
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